Friday, September 24, 2010

Think before you post something on Facebook

Facebook is the number one social networking site on the web with more than 500 million users and increasing day by day. I wont be surprised if you are on Facebook and post your personal information, intact everybody does it. But be sure that once you posted something online, it will remain there forever, and as it is a Digital thing, it can be replicated many times. So if you post any Photo, it can be copy and save by anyone in their computer. That means, even after you go online and delete your photo, there is someone who can still put it online anywhere and this may harm your image.

Why I choose XHTML

XHTML was developed to make HTML more extensible and increase interoperability with other data formats. XHTML is the successor of HTML and as the name implies it is based on XML. There are really some advantages with this XHTML. What I like most is that it's possible to parse XHTML documents with an XML parser. Because of this it's a lot easier to write software which processes Web documents. I can also edit XHTML documents with any XML editors (like: Emile (Mac), Amaya (Windows, Unix), Swish (Windows, Unix, Mac) and etc.) out there.